what does smoking embalming fluid do to the body

Embalming fluid as a drug | Addiction.
This site lists chemicals in tobacco and tobacco smoke, legal maximums for tbose chemicals, and references.
Refering to PCP that is used to coat joints and blunts or even cigarettes. This does NOT mean using real embalming fluid, which will fuck you up bi

There are more side effects when a smoker quits with cold turkey methods such as Chantix, Zyban, hypnosis, acupuncture or nicotine patches. What happens to your body
25.09.2008 · twiztid is correct Embalming Fluid-Soaked Marijuana: New High or New Guise for PCP? The trend of smoking marijuana soaked in embalming fluid is gaining
Formaldehyde - Wikipedia, the free.
Are sherm cigarettes addictive? Are they really dipped in embalming fluid? What are the long term health risks of smoking sherms? Smoking sherm, also known as smoking
Can you get high off embalming fluid? How formaldehyde, methanol, and ethanol are being used as carriers for PCP here.